Nadine Morris nee Petras

Graduation Year: 1974

Name When Graduated: Nadine Petras

Current Name: Nadine Morris

Current Residence: Fort Qu'Appelle, SK

Current Occupation: Home Care Nurse

Address or E-mail:

Continued Education:  I took the Combined Clinical Technician for Lab and X-ray in 1975, then returned to school in 1990 to take Nursing.

Memories: Good memories.  Thinking back about some of the crazy things I did and wondering, "What was I thinking?" I have always been proud of the fact that we were a large graduating class and everyone tended to get along so well.  To meet classmates now and totally enjoy reminiscing.

Fads or Trends: Levi leather tabs, HASH snap up pants, tie-dyed t-shirts.  We were in the hippy days of flower-power.

Additional Comments: I have crossed paths with a lot of school classmates over the years.  Does anyone know where Kevin Vestby is?  I would love to have a 35-year class reunion (scary to think how old we are getting).